Author: Rinu Gour 

a. What is a Fuzzy Logic System?

The fuzzy Logic System was invented by Lotfi Zadeh. Also, he observed, unlike other computers, it includes a range of possibilities between YES and NO, in a human decision.

b. Implementation of Fuzzy Logic System

Why Fuzzy Logic?

  • We can use it for consumer products and control machines.
  • Although, not give accurate reasoning, but acceptable reasoning.
  • Also, this logic helps to deal with the uncertainty in engineering.

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Fuzzy Logic Systems Architecture

a. Fuzzification Module

We use this module to transform the system inputs. As the is a crisp number. Also, helps in splitting the input signal into various five steps.

  • LP — x is Large Positive.
  • MP- x is Medium Positive.
  • S — x is Small.
  • MN — x is Medium Negative.
  • LN — x is Large Negative

b. Knowledge Base

In this, we have to store it in IF-THEN rules that were provided by experts.

c. Inference Engine

Generally, it helps in simulating the human reasoning process. That is by making fuzzy inferences on the inputs and IF-THEN rules.

d. Defuzzification Module

In this module, we have to transform the fuzzy set into a crisp value. That set was obtained by an inference engine.

Although, the membership functions always work on the same concept i.e fuzzy sets of variables.

AI Fuzzy Logic — Defuzzification Module

Membership Function

In this function, between a value of 0 and 1, each element of X is mapped. We can define it as the degree of membership. Also, it quantifies the degree of membership of the element. That is in X to the fuzzy set A.

  • x-axis– It represents the universe of discourse.
  • y-axis — It represents the degrees of membership in the [0, 1] interval.

We can apply different membership functions to fuzzify a numerical value. Also, we use simple functions as complex. As they do not add more precision in the output.

We can define all membership functions for LP, MP, S, MN, and LN. That is shown as below −

Fuzzy Logic System — Membership Function

There is some common triangular membership function as compared to other functions. Such as singleton, Gaussian. And trapezoidal.

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Fuzzy Logic Applications

a. Automotive Systems

  • Four-Wheel Steering
  • Vehicle environment control

b. Consumer Electronic Goods

  • Photocopiers
  • Still and Video Cameras
  • Television

c. Domestic Goods

  • Refrigerators
  • Toasters
  • Vacuum Cleaners
  • Washing Machines

d. Environment Control

  • Humidifiers

Advantages of Fuzzy Logic Systems

  • Also, this logic is easy to construct and understand.
  • Basically, it’s a solution to complex problems. Such as medicine.
  • Also, we can relate math in concept within fuzzy logic. Also, these concepts are very simple.
  • Due to the flexibility of fuzzy logic, we can add and delete rules in the FLS system.

Disadvantages of Fuzzy Logic Systems

  • Basically, if logic is simple, then one can understand it.
  • Also, suitable for problems that do not have high accuracy.

So, this was all about Fuzzy Logic systems in AI. Hope you like our explanation.


Source : https://medium.com/@rinu.gour123/what-is-fuzzy-logic-systems-in-ai-cd7254328fc