Learning, Teaching and Sharing


Author: Rinu Gour 

a. What is a Fuzzy Logic System?

The fuzzy Logic System was invented by Lotfi Zadeh. Also, he observed, unlike other computers, it includes a range of possibilities between YES and NO, in a human decision.

b. Implementation of Fuzzy Logic System

Why Fuzzy Logic?

  • We can use it for consumer products and control machines.
  • Although, not give accurate reasoning, but acceptable reasoning.
  • Also, this logic helps to deal with the uncertainty in engineering.

Read more about What is Expert System in Artificial Intelligence

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MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is one of the fundamental and leading programming languages and is a must-learn skill for anyone who wants to develop a career in engineering, science, or related fields. Excellent MATLAB programming skills are, therefore, a crucial factor in making or breaking your career.

MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. Matlab Programming is an easy and understandable programming language and is an excellent choice for those who want to learn to program for the first time. Engineering companies often use Matlab to prototype and validate their ideas before committing to building them with other programs like Java, Python, C, and C++. Knowing Matlab will give you a competitive advantage in your career.

The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market.

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Penulis : Muhammad Yusro

ALHAMDULILLAH, Selama 2 (dua) hari, yakni Jum’at dan Sabtu, 25-26 Juni 2021 telah dilaksanakan Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Kegiatan PKM ini terselenggara berkat kerjasama yang baik antara Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika FT UNJ dan SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong. Oleh karena masa Pandemi Covid-19, maka kegiatan PKM dilaksanakan secara daring menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting.

Kegiatan dimulai di hari Jum’at 25 Juni 2021 yang diawali dengan pembukaan secara resmi oleh Kordinator Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Bpk. Dr. Efri Sandi, M.T, Kepala SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong, Bpk. Drs. Cucu Salman, M.Ag dan Ketua Kompetensi Keahlian Otomasi Industri SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong, Bpk. Kosimudin, S.Pd. Peserta kegiatan terdiri dari guru-guru program keahlian teknik elektronika (elektronika industri dan otomasi industri), sejumlah 70 orang yang berasal dari SMK Negeri dan Swasta wilayah Cibinong, Bogor, Bekasi, dan sekitarnya. Kegiatan PKM ini juga melibatkan beberapa mahasiswa yang turut membantu memberikan pembelajaran teknik kepada para peserta.

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